A brief introduction

Hello again, my name is Victor and I am a Brazilian Industrial Designer who graduated from Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF). I was born in the city of Salvador in the state of Bahia, am currently 30 years old and live in the city of Niterói, Rio de Janeiro - Brasil.
I love:
- Beer (getting my priorities straight here...)
- Hanging with friends and family
- Cooking
- Playing games
- Technology and Design
A little about my life
As I said, I was born in Salvador but, when I was 7, I had the privilege to move to the city of Lakewood, Colorado - USA, where I lived for 4 years of my life and attended a normal American school. I learned a lot about dealing with a different culture, diferent climate and learned fluently a completely different language.
As a kid, I was good at drawing with pencils, was very good at math and logic, was extremely curious, and a bit creative. I was that kid that disassembled something just to see how it was on the inside...
Apart from my regular studies, my free time was spent playing a lot of games (boards, consoles, and PC), but still played a lot outside. When I was a teen, I already had the curiosity and knowledge to assemble my own PC and install every program I needed. I also fiddled a lot and always tried to solve the problems by myself. Because of that, when I finished high school, my first attempt at a degree was in Computer Sciences also at UFF, but it just wasn't my thing. I found simple codes easy enough, but when it started to get harder, I just couldn't see myself doing that all my life.
My second attempt was at Industrial Design (I.D.). I didn't know much about the course at the time but I was blessed to be a part of the second class in the history of I.D. at my university. That experience made me grow alongside the teachers and other students and led us to structure the course you find today.
Even though I liked a lot the I.D. course, after graduating I still couldn't find myself in the market until I met UX Design, finally found the conection (design and I.T.) and began studying UX/UI Design.
After a few weeks I quickly realized that the methodologies for digital and phisical products were basicly the same, and I could use most of my previous knowledge become a digital product designer. I finally knew what I wanted to do for the rest of my life!
My professional style
When it comes to design I am a very critical person, always observant, analyzing and criticizing while using a product or service. I always like to see the pros and cons and to think there there is always a reason for why something was done that way.
During my studies, I learned to find and solve problems by deeply studying them and their users, and coming up with a creative solution that would be visually pleasing while coherently solving user problems and needs. I also learned the importance of interviewing, observing and testing before runing to create a product.
As a professional, I love to work in teams (as all designers should) and love to give (and listen to) opinions and discuss ideas. I am very dedicated to what I do and I hardly end something without actually finishing it. I like my work to be simple, intuitive and very straight forward. As much as I want to make perfect designs, perfection can be an enemy. I like to think nothing is ever perfect, except nature.
I dream to be a Designer that can face any challenge and have the capability to study and solve any problem.
My long term goal is to get a Masters Degree in UX Design, have an international career, and live abroad. Ultimately I would like to get an NN/g Certification.
Connect with me you will
(read with Yoda's voice and oblige)
If you want to know more about me or simply want to connect and chat about design, I'll gladly accept connections on LinkedIn.
I am currently open for work, so feel free to send me an e-mail or a message through LinkedIn or WhatsApp.
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